an archive of posts from this year

Sep 01, 2022 The Oncology of Breast Cancer
Aug 22, 2022 The Internet Protocol (IPv4)
Aug 20, 2022 Bias-Variance Decomposition
Aug 17, 2022 Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithm
Aug 01, 2022 Generative Adversarial Networks (Goodfellow et al. 2014)
Jul 10, 2022 Dimensionality Reduction - Isomap (Isometric Feature Mapping)
Jul 09, 2022 Dimensionality Reduction - MDS (Multi-Dimensional Scaling)
Jul 08, 2022 Dimensionality Reduction - PCA (Principal Component Analysis)
Jul 07, 2022 Ensemble Learning - Gradient Boosting Machine
Jul 06, 2022 Ensemble Learning - Adaptive Boosting
Jul 05, 2022 Ensemble Learning - Bagging and the Random Forest
Jul 03, 2022 The Perceptron and Gradient Descent
Jul 02, 2022 Ridge Regression, LASSO, and ElasticNet
Jul 01, 2022 Dimensionality Reduction and the Genetic Algorithm
Jun 30, 2022 Logistic Regression
Jun 28, 2022 Multiple Linear Regression
May 10, 2022 Can Audio Captions Be Evaluated With Image Caption Metrics? - FENSE (Zhou, 2022)
Feb 18, 2022 An Introduction to ROC Analysis (Fawcett, 2006)
Feb 08, 2022 Support Vector Machine
Feb 01, 2022 Alias shellscripting
Jan 30, 2022 Short Time Fourier Transformation, the Mel Filterbank, and MFCC (Audio Signal Processing Pt.2)
Jan 26, 2022 Sentiment analysis with Reddit API on /r/stocks - Pt.2
Jan 25, 2022 Sentiment analysis with Reddit API on /r/stocks - Pt.1
Jan 23, 2022 Orthogonality of Functions, Fourier Transformation and the Sampling Theorem (Audio Signal Processing Pt.1)
Jan 21, 2022 The Linux File System
Jan 16, 2022 Pydeck Multipolygon 시각화 on Streamlit
Jan 15, 2022 Geojson Multipolygon Parsing
Jan 14, 2022 Python EPSG 좌표계 변환