Jonghyun (Thomas) Lee


I’m commited to research in generative models, computer vision, and machine learning. My main interests are in score-based (diffusion) models, conditional generative models, and computational pathology. Advised by Professor Seoung Bum Kim and AI Researcher Yonghyun Jeong, I’ve conducted joint research with Professor Tae-Hyun Oh during my master’s program. Currently, I’m working as a research scientist at Lunit’s oncology department.

I enjoy learning about startups, listening to (and making) music, and tinkering with computers in my spare time. Feel free to reach out to me via linkedin or mail.


Jul 22, 2024 I began a position at Lunit’s oncology department as a research scientist.
Feb 27, 2024 A paper has been accepted to CVPR 2024.
Jan 16, 2024 Two of my papers have been accepted to ICLR 2024.
Jun 22, 2023 I’ve started an internship at NAVER Cloud’s ImageVision team.

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selected publications

  1. cnc-preview.png
    Compose and Conquer: Diffusion-Based 3D Depth Aware Composable Image Synthesis
    Jonghyun Lee, Hansam Cho , Youngjoon Yoo , Seoung Bum Kim , and Yonghyun Jeong
    ICLR, 2024
  2. nmg-preview.png
    Noise Map Guidance: Inversion with Spatial Context for Real Image Editing
    Hansam Cho , Jonghyun Lee, Seoung Bum Kim , Tae-Hyun Oh , and Yonghyun Jeong
    ICLR, 2024
  3. osasis-preview.png
    One-Shot Structure-Aware Stylized Image Synthesis
    Hansam Cho , Jonghyun Lee, Seunggyu Chang , and Yonghyun Jeong
    CVPR, 2024